LEGO Message Boards Wiki
This page is an archive of the old LEGO Message Boards. Feel free to correct mistakes and add information, but please do not update the post count, image, or rank.


Isaias121 is a user on the LEGO Message Boards who joined on October 5, 2009. He had the rank Artisan, 2,339 posts, and 1 stud. He was most active in the My LEGO Network Forum, MLN Trades Subforum, and Star Wars Forum. He enjoyed visiting other forums as well to contribute to his post count.


He used different signatures for the My LEGO Network Forum, and LEGO Star Wars Forum. He also had a successful trade center in the MLN Trades Subfoum, called "Isaias121's Market."

He simply signed with his username for his signature everywhere else. He was also on this wiki.

Below are his signatures:

My LEGO Network Forum - Friends with A monkey networker

LEGO Star Wars Forum - I Am The sith

Other - Isaias121

And rarely - yoyo

More Information
Current Article: Isaias121
Message Boards profile: Isaias121

This article is complete.